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About jkscoob

  1. sounds about right on here bud can any one tell me where that is
  2. good vids there
  3. now now mr p that was a bit harsh
  4. man this pic makes me a little fat time to start working out must be them food bars i keep stopping at
  5. why is there i guy taking a pic of a brick wall behined me was he drunk too
  6. thats one funny pic hope i dont look like this all the time may be arfter 10 pints sorry mr police man i wasent drinking
  7. omg i cant bleve you have put this pic up mr p dam you sorry i dint have me morning coffee
  8. its ok for you. you like curbs too much bud
  9. looking good there like the red with the silver
  10. we know who the boss is in the house
  11. looks very good mate liking them a lot better than the ones comes with the car
  12. looks good bud was thay easy too fit or did you have to do some mods to get them in ok
  13. you hit the nail on the head mate
  14. looking good mate nice scoob
  15. wooooooo hold on is still going on for sidc if so can i come please
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