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Posts posted by paul_gardham

  1. Although very entertaining I did feel it was a pretty pointless excercise and up until JC arriving at the campsite with a cow on the roof (absolute genius!) I was going to change channels.

    I'd read about New Orleans still suffering but it's not until you see actual pictures that you realise what a mess they are still in. The goverment should be ashamed!!


  2. Hey,

    Really sorry to hear about the crash. I hope it all gets sorted pronto for ya and you're feeling better soon. I managed to rip the offside wheel off last august when a Passat smacked me (now they are one tough car god damn it!). As long as you're fully comp the insurance will pick up any storage fees so don't worry on that score. Mine was in the repairers within 2 days of the accident. Given the damage was mostly cosmetic and the wheel came out cleanly, as in where it broke, the repair was fairly straight forward. I had mine inspected afterwards by the RAC and the bloke was very happy with it. Drives just fine now thank goodness. So don't lose heart, these things are never nice but as long as all the people walk away then the car can be put back together.

    Chin up mate!

  3. Phone reliability depend on which provider you get it from also. I've got a 6280 from T-Mobile and it's been fine, a good phone, but every forum you look at where people have gotten the same phone but from 3, then they are having problems. It has an affect when the providers get hold of them and stick all their junk on them.  Never been on O2 so can't say but if your previous phones have been reliable then there's a good chance the future ones will be to.

    Hope that helps a bit [:)]

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