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About Grandpa

  1. Have just been reading a report in the Sheppey Gazette and thought I would pass on some extracts. Quote. " Julie Bodiam, from Queenborough, was on her way to Sittingbourne....during the evening of November 1 when her car was hit from behind. ...At the Bobbing Apple roundabout , she came off the slip road and indicated to go left, waiting for a lorry to go past....a car hit us really hard in the back and pushed us over the white line..... The other driver, a blond man in his 20s got out and offered his insurance details. He said " you had better move your car or you'll get hit by a lorry" As I did that he did a runner. She had the presence of mind to collect some bits and pieces from the road which revealed he had been driving a Subaru Impreza four wheel drive...dark blue." If anyone knows the owner of a dark blue scoob with front end damage perhaps they could suggest to him that he contact the other driver. Her telephone number is in the paper.
  2. Thanks for the info... Will give them a ring
  3. Can anyone give me the phone No. for Essex Scooby Breakers. Seen it on here somewhere but cant find it. Thanks for help...[8-|]
  4. Hi Yogi. Sure was grandpa you saw. I didnt fill up with fuel today
  5. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AT KS AND THE VERY BEST FOR THE NEW YEAR.. Take care out there and be safe.[Y]
  6. How did you do that! Thanks a lot
  7. Morning Dal. Here the pic you wanted to see. Hopefully. Wrong again. I never seem to get this right
  8. Hi, I'm a nearly newbie and I've got a Black Wagon but you couldnt miss mine. At the moment its got a great white snowman on the bonnet. Its only for a bit if fun so lets all have a great Christmas...
  9. Baser...I have an idea. How about the pair of us doing the tunnell run on our zimmer frames? Should rattle a few tiles
  10. Cor.. I paid a massive £189 for mine ( thats right £189.00) Fully comp. Must be me age showing.
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