Have just been reading a report in the Sheppey Gazette and thought I would pass on some extracts. Quote. " Julie Bodiam, from Queenborough, was on her way to Sittingbourne....during the evening of November 1 when her car was hit from behind. ...At the Bobbing Apple roundabout , she came off the slip road and indicated to go left, waiting for a lorry to go past....a car hit us really hard in the back and pushed us over the white line..... The other driver, a blond man in his 20s got out and offered his insurance details. He said " you had better move your car or you'll get hit by a lorry" As I did that he did a runner. She had the presence of mind to collect some bits and pieces from the road which revealed he had been driving a Subaru Impreza four wheel drive...dark blue."
If anyone knows the owner of a dark blue scoob with front end damage perhaps they could suggest to him that he contact the other driver. Her telephone number is in the paper.