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About NZ_Scoobyman

  1. That has got to be the coolest thing ive seen in my life haha. Good ol Kiwi Ingenuity (im assuming its New Zealand from the stiatv.co.nz website) hmm, im gonna find out where it is n ask the guy to sell it to me. would make a great university vehicle!
  2. Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind haha not too bad i reckon =D
  3. hahaha well i spose the general consensus is its rubbish haha. spose if theyd left most of it standard and kept the colour nice n quiet itd be a bit nicer tho. maybe a nice rally blue, with silver stilleto mags on it? i do agree that it does look chavvy, altho in NZ and Oz, there are no chavs lol =0
  4. i want that car lol. since ive been here i have changed my mind about wat scooby i want everytime i see a new one haha. first was just a sti, then the p1, then the type uk PPP then the CZS, now the type 25 spec c, haha. anyone heard about the Impreza TR (Tuner Ready) - a standard wrx with cheap interior and wheels, for those who want to keep the speed, but hate keeping it standard lol.
  5. wow anyone heard of this WRX Convertible?? weird blokes from Aussie teamed with Sony to create this. thoughts on the looks? maybe Subaru could bring this out instead of their Hatchback version theyve decided on... http://www.autosalon.org/nz/OSMANSpostersmall.jpg
  6. i believe its a butterfly valve mate. at least thats what we call them in New Zealand. but then we call dump valves blow-off valves so ya never know lol.
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