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About AdeD01

  1. Had my rear number plate stolen today . I popped down to Cornwall to visit my parents and it was either taken whilst parked outside of their house (but i didn't notice it missing when i packed the boot to leave) or it was taken while i filled with fuel at the Shell garage in Truro. So, if any of you own a MY03 onwards Blue Sti then i'd be a little cautious with it as i guess they'll be looking for one to clone with my plates. I've reported it to the police but i don't trust them to do anything but log it. What a pain in the arse, i just know i'm going to get speeding tickets or similar through soon for places i've never been. I could do without this hassle... Oh well, i spose it could have been th car and i guess i'm going to have to expect this with Scoobie ownership..... Ade
  2. Not had a chance to take any yet, the weathers been soo poor... i'll do my best this week.. saying that, it's only a standard car at the mo so no different than most of the others on the road.......................... for now ;-)
  3. I joined there myself a couple of days ago, given up on it already.... they seem a nice bunch but the site is soo slow and tempermental.... which led me to joining here
  4. Just joined, just want to say hi Just PX'd my CSL styled 330 Sport Convertible BMW against an '03 Sti PPP and it rocks. Jeesus these things are quick Originally from South Cornwall but now living in mid Devon. Ade
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