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Posts posted by scoobyiain

  1. The only car i've ever regretted selling is my S2 Escort RS Turbo. The 1st pic was the only time i had it down the 1/4 mile and was the 1st time i met some SIDC members. Craig mac convinced me to buy a newage and a few weeks later i did.

    Not a day goes by i don't think about the S2, loved everything about it. Bought it standard with low miles then changed the seats for 90spec to keep my mint 88 spec clean. Also changed the wheels, lights and put a cage in it. Sold it modified but with all the standard parts also.




  2. I don't work for or run a detailing business so no money is made from what i do. I agree people can do as they wish and use whatever products there is. Andy commented that i should give my advice so i did, i don't think i ever said they can't use waterless products.

    T-cut has been on the market for so long because most people are not educated in the other better products out there.

    Chris, i didn't realise we were pals? Not blowing my own pipe one bit here. When i was a regular on the forums there were many people praising my work or asking me to detail their cars, was just letting the newbies that have commented know that i have some knowledge in cleaning products.

  3. Sorry but i have to upload my 50/50 shot again


    Now i know for a fact that no waterless products, t-cut or TEFLON can produce this sort of finish and bring paint back to life. This was done using menzerna intensive polish by hand with a german applicator pad.

    Geo, i have seen a few cars with your products on it and wasn't impressed. I can also remember detailing a members car on here just a month after applying your TEFLON.

    I'm sure a few members will agree i'm good at what i do and know what i'm talking about.

  4. Have i used it? Andy please, you should know better!

    When i was on the SIDC stand for a show back in 07 i had a walk around and found a stand advertising the stuff. Stood and watched the guy use it then had a lengthy chat with him about it. All he was doing was putting purified mud over the car and wiping it off so wasn't giving real life dirt/grit a test with it. No it wasn't leaving any scratches but only because there was no grit in the mud he was throwing on, he was however leaving plenty of swirl marks.

    Waterless products and t-cut is satan's sperm don't use it.

    Someone has been nice enough to offer you how to clean a car proper so i suggest you take up that offer.

  5. Last night at 16:45 i was driving into Dundee and a JDM blobeye came right up my a*** at the Dobbies roundabout, he was so close to me i couldn't see his headlights in my rear view mirror.Conditions were very bad that evening as roads were wet and fog was so bad you couldn't see 20 yards infront of you. I drove 40mph (the limit on that road) upto the next roundabout and he was still hard up my backside so i moved into the inside lane to let him speed past. He then done the exact same thing to the next car infront until it pulled into the inside lane. Don't know what the drivers hurry was but it's stupid acts like that which gives subaru drivers a bad name.

    As stated it was a JDM blobeye, WR Blue in colour and had a private plate ending in DWN. Anybody know this car? I know it wasn't Dipsy as i PM'd him to check.

  6. OObster, you know i don't drive a subaru anymore so why the comment? Where is yours? thats right you dont have one either.

    Jase, he stated all comments welcome. Your car is a beast and is kept well, so is so many cars on here. I simply dont agree with the lights on the rear, the front bumper and arch/skirts.

    Braveheart, don't start calling me a chav. You said all comments welcome, it's each to their own. I applaud you for the time and effort for the time thats been put in to this monster but just dont like the styling. Sorry fr having an opinion.

    I've seen so many people on here slagging subaru's on ebay with big skirts, bumpers etc so don't flame me because i don't like one thats owned from a respected member.

    If for example fai put a big bodykit on his would it get flamed or be ok because it was him that put it on his car? Srry Peter i was just using you as an example.

  7. Sorry is everyone seeing the same car as me here?

    You said all comments welcome so don't get upset. I think it looks like a chav mobile! Granted it has a lot of work done to the performance and inside but come on how can people say it looks good. If that was painted orange and on ebay people would be ripping it to shreds on here. Afterburner lights and a big bodykit! If it wasn't for an SIDC favourite showing these pics, im sorry it would be flamed.

    You all know im right so don't bother arguing.

    Well done Braveheart for building this machine and all the best for the future with it.

  8. Young neds in classic's thinking they have a fast car because it's loud and has a turbo. There are faster cars on the road you know!

    People that buy big engined, gas guzzling cars then moan about petrol prices.


    Offshore workers that think they earn more than you do.

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