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About blackisler

  1. Cheers guys im home till the 7th then away till 22nd but im sure it will fit in some time i will keep my eye on the events section ,I see plenty scoob's around town so you must have a few members up here,im in Mica blue my00 uk turbo with rota turbo two wheels and sti8 brembos if u see me give me a wave. AL...............
  2. Cool if im still home and see it posted i'l come along ,work offshore so seem to miss them all,will catch one sometime im sure. Cheers..AL
  3. Can anyone tell me if there any meetings up this way in next two weeks?
  4. Which brake pads are best suited for my my00 classic i have fitted sti8 Brembo's and goodridge hoses have been using standered pads but need changing,Looking for something best suited to fast road conditions
  5. Cheers over your way often i'l give you a wave im in a my2000 blue uk turbo.
  6. cheers hope im home when there on will come along for sure
  7. hi i stay in Fortrose love the roads round here im driving a uk turbo my2000 just fitted some brembos feels great closest thing ive tried on four wheels to my bikes.
  8. cheers noticed alot of scoobys around will have a better look on here later,will try n figrue out how to get a pic on.
  9. new to this anyone from around inverness drop me a line sometime.
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