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About vickyk

  1. At least you were brave enough to give it go Trevor I was too chicken to go on track , mabye next time tho We missed the shorts this time , but loved the bargain crash hat
  2. We had a great day thanks Ian, Sorry everyone that we had to leave a little early and didnt get to say bye to everyone we had to go visit my brother who is not far from there, was nice to see everyone new and old and sorry its taken so long to meet again! Paul and I both got burnt neck and faces tho so a little grumpy today see you all at the next meet and we are at the next show also Will post up some pics later and sort out your video steve as soon as i can , need to get paul to help me get it off the card!
  3. And Emma D is also my sister in law so we are a very scooby family haha
  4. spotted white classic with black spoiler in LA Gym carpark maidstone, with a kentscoobies sticker , parked next to you in the scrappy skate saxo!! also followed out a black bugeye from same carpark, smiled as i went passed buti too embarressed to wave as i was in the skate and you may think i was some stalking nutter
  5. 1. Granby 2. Scoots 3. Padtwo 4. Skullfudge 5. Big jay 6. Scooby Hoo? 7. T123VOR 8. Stiggy 9. Dunks 10. Andy65 11. Eureka 12. S8SYF 13. Baser999 . . . no 12A for me 14. Vicky k 15.
  6. There is a few guys on scoobynet breaking their bugeyes, might be worth a look on there Vicky
  7. That was probably me, was driving round Gillingham and Rainham looking for cars, spotted a few while i was out.
  8. 1. Granby PAID 2. col_2 PAID 3. eureka PAID 4. Stiggy PAID 5. T123VOR PAID 6. Shiralee PAID 7. Shep PAID 8. deani_age PAID 9. Skullfudge PAID 10. Subarman PAID 11. Big Jay PAID 12. Scooby Hoo? & Jazz Jill PAID 13. Dunks PAID 14. S8syf PAID 15. Worzel PAID 16. EN4 PAID 17. Scoots PAID 18. Monty PAID 19. BRI4N PAID 20. Crowman PAID 21. Yogi PAID 22. Mikkers PAID 23. Big E PAID 24. Sheepie PAID 25. Andy65 PAID 26. J-K PAID 27. Turismo PAID 28. PRO8RAD PAID 29. Deano 666 PAID 30. SilverSurfer PAID 31. chips 31. chips cousin 32. Vicky K & Paul K 33. Track Time 1. Granby PAID 2. col_2 PAID 3. eureka PAID 4. T123VOR PAID 5. Shiralee PAID 6. deani_age PAID 7. Dunks 8. monty PAID 9. Andy65 PAID 10. J-K PAID 11. Deano 666 PAID 12. chips 13. chips cousin 14. Skullfudge PAID
  9. Can we come too
  10. 1. Granby 2. Scooby Hoo? 3. Shep 4. Garth W 5. Swifty(long as i dont have work) 6. PR08RAD 7.Stew T (bricks in the road and fate allowing) 8. Vicky K 9.
  11. Well that would be just greedy wouldnt it... and i think i would rather choose another scooby to put it on. Perhaps we are starting a fleet of vicky k cars.
  12. That will be me then
  13. Funny you should say that i have had a similar come up on mine after a long acceleration in 4th gear (same symptons as yours) ive only had mine mapped recently so was surprised its come up, i cant get the fault reader to work at the moment but last time mine was a misfire on no.3 cylinder. I was wondering whether i was overfuelling after the remap? The car seems to be running ok except the light flashing after this long accelaration and then staying on.
  14. it was very fun and very hard work !!! surprising how tiring it is but look at the smile on my face , and yes the KS tshirt was a must I definalty reccomend it as its like a proper driving lesson, thats why its not all very fast in the videos because they will stop you to explain what your doing and how to do it better its not about just ragging the car, they even tailer it to your indivdual talent, i had trouble using the handbrake because the chair was in the way and i had to sit forward so they taught me differnt technique using the gravel , its very difficult trying to forget your natural instincts from the road as you have to forget everything you know. I must say the feel of a rally built car is totally differnt to a road car and i would definatley do it again.
  15. Went to brackley yesterday for a introduction to rally driving in classic impreza from a red letter day i won ...hope these links work
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