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Everything posted by raymond_duvall

  1. nice one m8
  2. hi all just wondering if any of u use walldonway .they a couple of mins down the road from me but have heard negative things about them.my next door nieghbour used them for his tvr but said they are expensive and there service wasn't up to much.i used to use scoobysport for me import but dunno if they are still going.any suggestions will be appreciated thx
  3. []hks m8 best sounding dump valve u can get[]
  4. lol forgot flamer fitted as well havn't played with it yet tho
  5. hks dump valve, debadged as u can see, full decat exhaust + decat up pipe + ecutek remap at power engineering.he told me the back box was from tsl but can't find there logo on it but thats ok it's nice and loud.the only louder exhaust i've heard was from scoobysport in essex where i used to have my import serviced now that was wrc loud the only mods i will prolly do is front end scott lowe mesh grill plus lower front lip spoiler
  6. i did nearly buy a silver one had 19" superlegger's on it and blitz nur exhaust. very nice car but i didn't trust the owner 3 previous owners plus not alot of paperwork on it.any way the wife wanted blue and i gotta keep her happy []
  7. no m8 was'nt me but i do see one around the area quite alot with a young girlie driving.exactly the same except she's got the oz wheels on hers
  8. some piccys of my new toy to show you all.the guy i got it from rekons she got 334 bhp dunno about that tho as he did'nt have the paperwork to prove it.had her for a week now well chuffed and keep finding exuses for a drive. let me know what u think
  9. i got one fitted on mine dosn't cause any probs.i havn't played with it yet tho.
  10. yah back in a scoob[] ( finally ) after 4 weeks of trying to pick it up.must admit i've been a right grump ask the wife but it was worth it.forgotten how much fun it was to drive so if ya see a wr blue 03 sti around maidstone area it might be me.
  11. thats one of the nicest classics iv'e see good job m8
  12. yeah i gave them a try but this was the lowest i found.i'm quite chuffed because this is lower than my 96 classic i used to have.when i sold it i was paying £640 with liverpool victoria that was in jan of this year.when i phoned them they wanted £1170 for me new scoob 6 months down the line makes no sense to me.[8-)]
  13. hi all just to let u know i phoned A plan for quote. £649 for me 40 an wife 36 fully comp on a 03 sti ppp with couple of mods, legal protection an all the gubbings.then phoned around and got a quote from dial direct for £596.i then phoned A plan back and got a new quote for £568 an $81 saving not bad i rekon what u think ?
  14. [:'(]oh no can't make it sunday .typical got tickets got pass got me and wife but no car .ment to pick it up on monday but had a nightmre trying to get deal done.and guess the only day i can pick it up right sunday .so still driving around in this bloody bmw its like driving a slug.anyway given tickets to m8 no lucky him and if all goes well i will see u all at the wharf on th 18 see u all soon(with luck)
  15. newbie here saying hi to all out there.i had a i had a dark blue my96 wrx jap import for about 5 years.i sold her in jan and bought a bmw oh silly me. any way i pick up a 03 sti ppp next week i saw this kent scoobie section on here so thought i,d become a member.hope to meet u all in the following weeks an months i,m going to donny south on the 13 so will prolly see some of u up there i see ur organising a stand up there but its prolly to late for me to join u all. happy driving Ray
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