if it says 101 of 555 id guess thats a V ltd but the model code is def a wrx sti version 2 RA,the V ltd shares the model code but was a"ltd" edition so came with a numbered plaque....so looks like you have the car you thought you did []
whats the chassis model code?should start GC8 and is on the plate in the engine bay/suspension area iirc and what year is the car that will help a lot i know the sti version 2 ra Vltd code is GC8C4DD
yeah stuff is way overpriced and contractors charge too much for work to be done.Lucky i can get most things cheap or free bein in the trade and dont rip the **** out of it if someone needs somethin done.
im a greenkeeper,kinda similar but more technical lol id have done it if you were a bit closer but theres loads of nice folk on here that would help for free beer,its not that hard,good luck
despite the bad rep the engines get ive seen 2 now with timing problems one had slipped 3 teeth and mine with a shattered pulley and shredded belt and a moron (me) in shock trying to restart the thing after the accident,both times the cars were retimed and went first time,hope everythin works out for you
ive driven a few porsches,944 which was ok,bit slow,911 but only into the garage and was crappin myself in case i pranged it and a 2.5 boxter which handled ok but didnt feel that quick and was no match for my V5 type R on a run.
Turn them all clockwise by hand slowly till the marks line up like the diagram thats the one i used,just take your time it was the easiest timing belt i ever done,hope everythin goes well for you.