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Everything posted by markmarkmark

  1. Sorry boys. i couldnt make it as I had the kids. got in at 6.30 and Granny was too busy so not able to watch them so next time. Arrange another date soon and I will definatley make it...
  2. Jut a little note of the subject. Dicksons dont sell scoobies anymore. They stopped it doe to lack of sales. kia have now moved in to the old scooby showroom. Pity. Nowhere for quite a drive...
  3. Thats the one. Ice blue. If I was going to buy a new scooby I always said I would go for Sonic but after seeing your car a while back, I would definately go for the Ice Blue. Different and Im pretty sure your the only one in that colour in the area...
  4. I bought precut wondow tint and made a mess of one of them so gave up and am looking for someone to do it for me. I live in Inverness. I went to Signmakers but to no avail. They suggested a place but I forgot who it was. Where in the Inverness area can I get my tinting put on...
  5. Gee Wr1, i thik I waved to you on Saturday going ove the flyover in town. I came out of BP and you were going towards college. I was in DBM classic model. Got a wave of a car that looks very similiar to the one on your pic. Its a very cool but weird colour to describe. light blue/grey. Very shiny
  6. Will see whats goimg on with work and whether I can make it. When passing a scoobie i usually wait to see if they have acknowledged me by eye contact and can usually tell if they will wave or not. Feel a right tit when they dont wave back and you think, "You stuck up aerosol".
  7. You got me worried. Scooby is petrol (obviously) and work Jeep is Diesel. Would not be ion good books if I wrecked it. I thought that the petrol/diesel nozzles and fill up pipe are different sizes. What I mean is that I thought the diesel nozzle is too big to fit in car or vice versa....
  8. D4WGY you find that 1/2 the scoobies wave. It depends upon how old they are but usually you get a wave. It also depends upon if your driving a £5000 scoob and they have a £20,000 scoob. They sometimes tend to try and be too posh.. I live in I nverness but have a sport but its a Turbo lookalike. I agree with what COL 666 says as I would feel out of place with a sport. The worst bit is that I paid a few grand over the price of what Icould have got a WRX or STi for. Thats my biggest regret.
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