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Classic Chris

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About Classic Chris

  1. Not 100% sure. My front right wheel hit a curb straight on with a soft tyre (the missus driving!) resulting in quite a big lip. The guys at Carrick Engineering said this was nothing, they've repaired worse. Prob worth giving them a call 01292 678 889. I'm booked in on Tues - I'll ask when there. How bad is it?????
  2. Sourced a place in Prestwick - Carrick Engineering. 40 pop a wheel and the finishes look good quality. The car's booked in for next week. So i'll let you know what their like.
  3. Cheers matey, they look spot on!
  4. Anyone know where to get a decent set of 52mm gauges to complement the existing dials in a MY00 scoob (white dials with green through numbers)????????
  5. OZ alloys starting to look tired, time to freshen up. I checked out RMS in Prestwick, but the finishes were pretty limited and didn't look up to much. Any ideas?????? Cheers
  6. Depends on what you watch. LCD is best for day-to-day TV (clear, sharp pics). Plasma better for closing the curtains and watching the blockbusters (better blacks) and sports. Also read somewhere that both have about the same life span, but LCD's don't suffer burn-in T3 mag awarded the JVC LT-32DX7 best LCD TV £1400, and Panasonic TH-42PX60 best Plasma £2000.
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