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About kaan_ors

  1. Green classic at Bromley Common this morning about 9ish, (Y227). Seen you loads around but I was out jogging but looked round and think you saw me!
  2. That's interesting as I saw that I could get an RB320 for similar money so was considering that instead but if you have had both and prefer the new sti then that solves that problem!
  3. Thanks for that, I'm really warming to the idea. I'm going to see if I can arrange a test drive next week so that I can make my choice. I'd like to stay loyal to the Scoobie as I have a bright orange t shirt to wear in it!! Will keep an eye out for you as don't see many of the new ones around. I don't suppose you were at The Crescent in Chelsfield on Sunday about 6ish as I saw one pulling into there that I think was grey?
  4. That is pretty impressive! I have to say that the new one (what are we calling it btw?) is looking better and better.
  5. I'm looking to buy a new car this year and I am mulling over the new Sti or an Evo X. The evo seems to get the better write ups but I have to admit that I am actually starting to like the look of the new Impreza. Basically, I was just wondering if anyone has bought a new Sti or even driven one and what their thoughts are on it and if anyone has driven both the Impreza and the Evo X then that would be even better! Thank you!
  6. Uno Turbo rumbled past me on Monday morning at about 6am. I was walking to Bromley South and looked round to see you as you drove past. Saw you last week at the same time too so will wave next time. Also a silver classic at about 5.30pm tonight heading towards Bromley on the A21 at Norman Park. Second time I've seen you too!
  7. ...........take the rear spoiler off an STi and replace it with something a bit more discreet? I'm looking at my next car and a Spec D is top of my wish list but they are quite hard to come across so thought that I could just buy a hawkeye sti and change the rear spoiler. Your thoughts please!! oh, and if anyone wants to know why I would want to do something so ridiculous, all I can say is that I do not wear the trousers at home!!!!
  8. I was flicking through Catch Up TV today and saw an episode of Top Gear was on there. Thought it would be a repeat but would watch it anyway and Car Booty had just finished! Very pleased to have a new series on but I didn't see any adverts for the new show. Bit poor that! Loving the idea of a peoples palace tunnel run though.
  9. LOL! I'm not a big fan of them myself! Very well thank you. Have just been looking to see if there is a tunnel run before christmas as the nephews have been asking to come on one again! Saw there was one recently, one which somebody won't forget in a hurry. Ouch!! How's the 555 squadron?
  10. Blimey, if that's just one camera the amount that is made throughout the whole country must be millions!!
  11. Sunday 9th at about 12.40pm spotted two blob eye STi's within a few minutes of each other from the Keston Marque towards Hayes Common. The second one was stickered up in yellow with the number 8 on the doors. I didn't wave I'm afraid as was jogging and blowing out my a**e!!! You both sounded great though!!
  12. I hear you go past most evenings and always tend to see you when I'm out and about on foot. Perhaps I should flag you down and say hello. In fact, if you see someone on foot waving at you, it will probably be me. I might even PM you to give you a heads up when she's in the car so you can just so happen to be passing!! As for the photo Mikkers..............you'll know it's her when your Scoobies being pulled out of the hedge you swerved into!!!!!!
  13. Might get her to come along on the tunnel run! That would teach her for not waving!!
  14. Just a bit of window shopping then!!
  15. I might have guessed you'd be the first to reply! Well worth the visit though, even if you just go shopping at the Glades!!
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