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About stuart_marshall

  1. Just had a look and I can only find issues 28,42-44,52,55,56,62,64-67,70,73,75,76,78,80,83,87 ... so sorry no 1-20
  2. I would prefer it if someone just came and took them ... but if no-one else is interested then I could post them. I don't have all of 1-20 ... will check next time I'm in the attic and let you know
  3. Anyone want a load of early Evo magazines before I chuck them in the recycling? Pickup only ... based in Edinburgh
  4. it's horrible isn't it! a week after i got my subaru, i was driving through glencoe and spotted a gritter driving towards me [8o|] not much i could do about it though except keep driving towards it... the noise is awful! and its happened again twice in the last few weeks!
  5. I'm up for doing the course in March if there's space. After hearing AlanK banging on about it I have to give it a go! And it sounds a lot better than Knockhills attempt at a rally course which I did few years ago!
  6. Apparently it's also slang for the word "owned" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P3 But you'd have to be real geek to know that!
  7. From the BBC article: "A recent study has shown that drivers who have been caught speeding by a speed camera are twice as likely to have a collision than those who haven't been caught." So, in other words, if they didn't catch anyone the roads would be a safer place!
  8. I was sure I had only paid £69 as well, but I just checked my account and I paid £100! Although mine was actually from Amazon rather than armour-automotive.
  9. I know - it's so stupid making a big car like the Impreza and then not having fold down seats. I guess it's to do with rigidity or something? What's the point in saloons anyway - i don't understand! The back seats in my wagon spend most of the time folded down. Do the Classics not have fold down seats? Except for maybe 22B etc. I vaguely remember something about that.
  10. Amazon have the normal Talex (not lite) for £70 too (plus postage probably): http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...5667067-0880738 I've got one. Seems great except for one thing: On motorways, the warning is still only 500yds away, which seems a bit short, as you can see the likely bridge well before it tells you about it! I'm not sure if you can adjust the warning distance though.
  11. The GT is a large. It's quite a heavy frame so would be good for training []
  12. Here's my I-Drive: But its getting kind of wrecked now. Lot's of clunks coming from the crazy rear suspension. I've changed the shock bushings which helped a bit, but there's still some rattling which I cant work out! I might give you a shout about fixing it up some time - but it's more likely I'll get the Heckler and never touch the GT again! Was there not an SDA race at Ae today? Were you in it?
  13. That Intense is so nice!! I've got a GT I-Drive right now, but have just ordered this! It was Dumfries area - not Dunfermiline - we were at. Did Kirroughtree on Sat and Mabie today! So much fun ... even in the rain this afternoon!
  14. That's funny! [] The name of the photo programs is obviously a banned word! It's G I M P. So substitute *** with that (without the spaces) in the above post! That must be the least offensive banned word I have ever seen!
  15. Hello again! Can't believe how many replies this has got [] The GIMP is the name of photo editing program I used (GNU Image Manipulation Program). http://www.gimp.org/ Probably not as easy to use as some others, but it's free! There's loads of good tutorials on their site on how to do stuff. This is the one I followed to do the B&W background: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Selective_Color/ Anyway, I'm away to Dumfries area to go mountain biking in the rain! With of course some amazing roads to drive on the way there [H]
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