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Posts posted by Nudge

  1. I'd go for a sti bottom end or a forged short engine, and add heads cams and bits on. or rebuild it using your crank,rods, but it all comes down to the time issue, whatever option you choose it will cost you money, but selling her as she lies will cost you more in the long run as you will lose the most that way.

    good luck whatever decision you make, need a hand with anything giz a shout... :lol:

  2. Since the engine went down back in feb, i been rebuilding it from block up, after smiles and tantrums and a big overdraft its just about there, Jolly GM. mapped it today and it is sweet, only little smidgen is could not unleash the full power as the maf is max'd out, but it feels good to have her back, god its great to be a scoob driver... :icon_salut: .

    big thanks to simon... ;)B):D:D:D:D

  3. You know you'll regret it once its gone, what else would you have to get away from life's stresses, whats better than a drive through the lanes, in the sun, with the window down, listening to that burble as you accelerate through overhanging trees, whats better than that.....i'd rather eat my grans old laddered tights than sell... :P

    us men are allowed to change our minds.......women dont have that monopoly

  4. I love my Scoob more then a club, Its a shame so many are leaving etc, i dont think its all down to a club, i guess all those selling have bigger reasons for selling then KS not being fun. There are some good Guys in this club and some good ones leaving, hopefully they'll pop in from time to time to say hi and wont forget us :-(

    Well i'm half here.. :P

  5. sorry to hear this Ian, but you done a great job with the club, all clubs have their niggles, and you never get the gratitude you deserve for all the hard work behind the forums, but a man got to do what a man gotta do, catch up with ya soon geezer...

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