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About ross_mcewan

  1. cheers jimbob im waiting on a quote from them! i think they just tend to do insurance work most of the time though!
  2. A friend of mine had the same problem and had everything looked at and in the end it turned out he needed a new set of plug leads belive it or not!
  3. Cheers mate ill give him a call and see how many pennies ill have to save up it s an expensive hobby!
  4. Hello just wondering if anyone know of a good paint shop anywhere, i live in dunoon so somewhere around glasgow would be fine, Im looking to have my bumper and a wing painted as for some reason they have started to crack im not sure why though i think they must have been painted before and they have not done a very good job! Hopefully ill buy a few other bit and bobs to be painted! Thanks Rossco
  5. 1. Gumball (South Side) Rossco ( Dunoon) Ayrshire- 1. Central- 1. Edinburgh and Lothians 1. Borders and Dumfrieshire- 1. Fife- 1. Tayside- 1. Aberdeen and North-
  6. you should the car looks nice!
  7. where is that steam coming from? is it under the bonnet?
  8. Thanks for your help everyoe i worked it out in the end. Im not very good on computers! well this is my catalunya iv had it just over a year now! iv added a set of gold 17's after bending my old ones on a pot hole. it got a magnex exhust with a hks downpipe, filter and dump valve! Not sure if anyone knows how i would go about adding it to the catalunya register? cheers Ross
  9. Hey all i was just wondering if anyone new how i would go about putting my car one the catalunya register? I have number 136! cheers Rossco
  10. <center> <a href="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j296/Rossco1982/rossscar001.jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j296/Rossco1982/th_rossscar001.jpg"></a> </center>
  11. <center> <img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j296/Rossco1982/rossscar001.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> </center> Thanks paul i manged to work it out! This is my car. I would definetly be interested to go to a meeting! i live in dunoon when would the next one be near me? cheers Rossco
  12. Hi all just joined the sidc! Im just trying to find out how to put a pitcture of my car on the site! im not having much luck ( im not very good with computers) anyway i drive a catalunya iv had it for just over a year! Iv changed the wheels to a set of gold 17's full magnex exhust with an hks downpipe a hks air fillter and dump valve!Im sure ill manage to post a picture of it one day! thanks Rossco
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