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Everything posted by uk_Mo

  1. http://www.break.com/index/wowporn.html Mo hehe []
  2. Nice pics m8...I see someone has done a nice donut in the third pic where they guys are standing, hope it wasnt a scooby lol Mo
  3. Spotted a nice P1 heading towards kirkcaldy yesterday on the A92 about 5:45pm ish anyone on here? nice motor m8. X Reg. Mo
  4. Excellent cheers m8 Mo
  5. Hi does anybody on here play a game called americas army? if you do whats your honor and in game name? and favourite map? Mines is 94 and Mo.., i play a map called Dusk a lot Mo
  6. I have a standard WRX Import 1995 model, all i have done to it is Forge motorsport DV,Ninja Centre & Rear Exhaust. and im lucky if i get 200 miles from £30 Optimax dont really boot it that much and i worked it out to be roughly 30mpg but i dunno if this is right. Mo
  7. Hi I have just come back from a wee run oot in the scooby and I have an unusual problem that has just started happening. When I'm driving at various speeds between 40 + 80mph I'm getting a shudder through the steering like the wheel balancing is out but then it goes away for a while and sometimes when its doing it if I turn the steering wheel to turn a corner it gets worse. any ideas? Thanks Mo
  8. I'm 32 yrs old, Central Heating Engineer keep car in driveway in quite area, 6 yrs NCB 0 points, No accidents CAT 1 Alarm, Full Leather, Sports Exhaust, 17" Wheels Group 20 1995 WRX and I only pay £520 Fully Comp with Girl on Insurance shes 29 oh and i only do 9000 miles Social only. I thought that was no bad Mo
  9. is that for Optimax m8? sounds dead cheap I'm paying 99.9 at my local Shell in Halbeath Mo
  10. No way mate will never sell them, they are my pride & joy sorry Mo
  11. Yes mines are Hyperblack. They will be coming up for sale soon though as im changing them to BK299 in Gold Mo
  12. Thanks for all the nice comments guys. Gordy I havent sorted the power steering yet but I have a plan up my sleeve so hopefully that will work hehe Mo
  13. Hi guys cleaned the Scoob the day what you think? Took me 5 hours used Autoglym Supreme Polish then Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection, with Autoglym Leather Cleaner..... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/MyScoob.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/MySccob2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/MyScoob3.jpg Interior http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/Leather1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/Leather2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/Leather3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/Leather4.jpg Hope you like Mo
  14. 1. Focus RS 2. Escort Cossie 3.ZXR400 ( but I think the driver of the bike was scared lol) 4. old type BMW M3 with 4 peeps in my car in the rain 5. Lots of Civic Type R's and the usual chave machines,nova's, corsa's although I have to admit I got totally smoked by a orange pearl corsa which i later found out was a 2.2 turbo [8-|]
  15. Hi I just filled up with Optimax at the Halbeath Shell garage up beside the car garages today and when I asked the woman behind counter about shortage I got a blank look lol Mo
  16. Very nice cars fee []
  17. nice motor m8 but mileage is too high for me, im a right fussy bugger my M plate WRX was bought with only 36k on clock prefer low miles mo
  18. it's either a WR1 or a nice RB5 cant really decide need to sell my car first Mo
  19. Hi guys been looking at selling my minted 1995 WRX Import 44k Part Service History,Full Leather Interior and replacing it with a 2005 WR1 what do you think? anyone got a WR1 and are they worth the money. Hate the 2006 design so wont be any newer than 05 Mo
  20. Thanks very much allan for all your help. I,m more interested in fitting this newer reservoir i have is it a big job going with the pictures i have taken or do you want more pics to show more clearly? what exactly is involved in fitting to my car? Mo
  21. Yeah pretty bad quality i couldnt make it out either Mo
  22. Hi heres pics for you to see exactly what my pump and reservoir look like. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/Pump4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/Pump3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/Pump2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/uk_Mo/Pump1.jpg Hope these help Thanks Mo
  23. Well thanks again guys you really are a helpful bunch. GordyQ i wasnt getting at you or anything with my post I know you wouldnt sell anything dodgy being a fellow scooby owner and member. I will try and clean it as best I can then check and see if I can see where its coming from, failing that as I said I have the later model also with the metal square reservoir was wondering how difficult would it be to fit this to my car? anyone. Thanks Mo
  24. I also have the later model pump and metal reservoir but tried to fit this myself but couldnt get it to fit. will try AWD in perth see what they say thanks guy for all your help PS this forum is 10 times better than scoobynet IMO at least people on here try and help you Thanks again Mo
  25. Ok thanks guys will goto halfrauds and see if they have sealer and will try and see where its coming from if possible. doing ma heed in cant go for long journeys in case i need to call 999 lol then my insurance company. will maybe even try subaru for price of new PAS Pump and Reservoir haha that will be a laugh. Mo
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