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Can you believe it!!!

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After all the psychology training courses and finally starting my new job...it looks like I may be made redundant!!![:D]

The company is being totally re-structured!!! I have to apply for my job again!!!

Can you believe it..nice..two weeks before Christmas!!![:'(]

Oh well upwards and onwards....anyone know of any decent jobs going???[:P]

Guest leebo77

That's bad news [:P].  Hope something comes up for you. [Y]


Oh FFS..... This is Skippy Shiralee, Im so sorry to hear this!!!


Ok any special requirement's ie hours, location etc, we could very likely get you into a bank up town.


My agency I work for - Temp through is called Venn Group and my agent is a lovelly girl calle Laura Able 0207 557 7667 here is their webb site http://www.venngroup.com/tabid/101/Default.aspx. They are a really good agency to work for and should be able to assist. PM yogi with your req's and we can go from there....


If it is the redundancy what is the package? How long will it take till you know?[:P]



Really gutted for ya, we had to make 12 redundant last week, [:P] not a nice job anytime, especially at this time of year.......hope it works out for you..[Y]





Terri speak to you on Friday!!



Hi Shiralee, Terri cant make the Wharf on Friday, so i'll PM you Terri's mobile number [;)]


Terri speak to you on Friday!

Hi Shiralee, Terri cant make the Wharf on Friday, so i'll PM you Terri's mobile number [:o]

Cheers Ian...sorry only just logged on!!!

Will speak to terri later today and see you tonight!![:P]

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