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SMACS Slagging us off!!

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I dont think they where "slagging off" just playing on words

But if you have taken offence then please accept my apology on behalf of the SMACS


Theres room for both of us, and the joint events I have been to have enjoyed.


Just people being "keyboard happy"


As someone said to me yesterday forums are the most dangerous of places!


Cheers Andy




It is not your place to appolgise mate, as you havent made any of the negative comments.

But I am sure if one or more of the CADS started being 'keyboard happy' the SMACS members might have something to say, what do you think??[:)]

I think the words are 'Keyboard heros'[:(]


I'm not mate. I had a good rollin road day with the smacs. I'm dissapointed with one of em tho. Nevermind. Like I say, boring, petty bullsh1t.


I'm not mate. I had a good rollin road day with the smacs. I'm dissapointed with one of em tho. Nevermind. Like I say, boring, petty bullsh1t.


Me too Andy with someone who I thought was a mate..........obviously no great loss.

How's Nic?


well take it easy and give us a shout if you need owt.

yeah we want to know whether it's a boy or a girl as the suprise to us was the fact the ivf worked first time.



Do you really want to know if it's a boy or girl?

I'm doing OK although the Chemo is a B$gg$r and I feel too rough to do anything really.


Bob, did not know you where going for chemo[:D], sorry to hear it, hope you are on the mend soon mate 


Good luck




well take it easy and give us a shout if you need owt.

yeah we want to know whether it's a boy or a girl as the suprise to us was the fact the ivf worked first time.


And congrats to Andy and his partner, what would you like boy or girl?


well take it easy and give us a shout if you need owt.

yeah we want to know whether it's a boy or a girl as the suprise to us was the fact the ivf worked first time.


And congrats to Andy and his partner, what would you like boy or girl?

Am after a boy Andy[:D]



well take it easy and give us a shout if you need owt.

yeah we want to know whether it's a boy or a girl as the suprise to us was the fact the ivf worked first time.


And congrats to Andy and his partner, what would you like boy or girl?

Am after a boy Andy[:D]



Good luck mate




It is not your place to appolgise mate, as you havent made any of the negative comments.

But I am sure if one or more of the CADS started being 'keyboard happy' the SMACS members might have something to say, what do you think??[:D]

I think the words are 'Keyboard heros'[:)]


I sse it coming from the otherside now LOL


Thanks Dalthegooner  [:D]


It's very annoying when Members of the same club (SIDC) activley try to put people off joining another section of the same club.  I agree that every one has their own taste and some people like to drive their scooby in convoy all the time at local meets (probably faster than the speed limit) and some like to actually meet other like minded people, discuss car related problems, experiences and attend fantasic events like the Trackrod rally and Japfest.  CADS in my opinion fits the bill perfectly for my taste.  We meet every month, we share; information, items of interest, car parts, meet other interested parties and have a good pub lunch.  On the frequent occasion we drive in convoy to local car specialists (Alunox etc.) and give our drives out a meaningful purpose.  I drive my car every day for work, by doing this, we save putting extra miles on our precious cars and actually build up good relationships with like minded people.

I imagine SMACS do something similar, anyone that are unsure which section to join, my philosophy in life is try it out yourself!  Use facts to make an informative decision!



Am after a boy Andy[:D]

Girls can be into Scoobies too Andy [:D][:P][:)]


Your right there!! my Daughter came with me to the Taton Park meet and realy enjoyed herself[:D]


Am after a boy Andy[:P]

Girls can be into Scoobies too Andy [:D][:P][:)]


Your right there!! my Daughter came with me to the Taton Park meet and realy enjoyed herself[:D]

Yep. My grandaughter loves it too [Y] Its hard to get her away from the track when cars are running [:D] and she absolutely loves a flaming exhaust [:P]


Am after a boy Andy[:D]

Girls can be into Scoobies too Andy [:D][:D][:)]

So long as it's healthy mate I'll take either. Just luck to be given the chance. Some people don't get even that.





It is not your place to appolgise mate, as you havent made any of the negative comments.

But I am sure if one or more of the CADS started being 'keyboard happy' the SMACS members might have something to say, what do you think??[:D]

I think the words are 'Keyboard heros'[:)]


I sse it coming from the otherside now LOL


Thanks Dalthegooner  [:P]

Happy to help [:D][:P][:D]

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