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mindless idiots

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cant get over how some folk are with other peoples property in this day and age

just back from my brothers house, he stays in hatton just north of ellon, little hamlet type of thing

last night some fookes went and slashed all four of his tyres [:@][:^)] his car was not the only one about 4 other cars had tyres done [8o|]

me brothers well pissed of to say the least, this is the last thing he needs the now

cant understand cnuts that do this kind of thing, if i catch any fooker doing any mucking about to any car they are going to get a swift kick in the knackers to start with................

also, do any folk know if you can make claim of your insurance for this kind of thing ??



surprised at someting like this in hatton i thought it was just a small sleepy village , not full of knife weilding morons hope somebody catches em and kicks there c*nts in


I've been looking into installing CCTV on my property partly to protect my motor due to finding footsteps right round it in the snow last year that weren't mine so obviously somebody casing it, but also due to some tw@t letting their dog regularly s*** all over the lane I live on. It's a bleeding nightmare due to civil laws, data protection etc. Can't do this, can't do that. This country has totally gone to rats***. Can't take reasonable steps to protect your own property in case it offends someone. I give up.


Was reading the paper last night ...group of kids where walking down a street, smashing in every car window, whilst and young girl was filming them on her phone.....i never will understand the mentality of these kids ....is it the parents fault ? i dont know, but  my daughter (18) would have never even considered doing anything of that nature.

Sorry to hear this mate [;)]


Mother flunking bastread winkers!!!!  I would love to catch some bum doing that, i would keep them locked in the basement for six months with only pi22 and stools for sustinance!!!!

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