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67 in a 30 zone!

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67 in a 30 is nicking on a bit, however things like this need to be taken in to context, ie outskirts of town at night with few houses and no pedestrians about, cant be classed the same as 67 in a 30 at 3pm going past a primary school,  The law in this country has not advanced to a level to deal with the matter in this way unfortunatly.


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he should perhaps come clean, admit guilt and represent his outstanding character and sense of right and wrong.  a mistake is a mistake and you would hope that such a case wouldnt be clear cut due to the 100 yards reasons?

Unfortunately from my understanding a DR....on your license after the ban stays on points wise for something like 10 years. now thats a roger hunt

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Been caught twice for minor infringements of the speed limits over the past 22 years. Best fun though was being in France last year driving at the speed targets , except in MPH.  When questioned just said "jim i pell Jeramy Clarkson!!!" and got of with it.  Speed targets are 130KPH !!!!!

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