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Don't worry its nothing serious, just a couple of things I need from everyone.

1.  Could all KS members who also have SIDC membership please

either e-mail me or pm me with their membership number.  Reason

for this is that all shows that SIDC will be attending will now be

restricted to SIDC members only going onto the stand.  It doesn't

mean that you can't go if you are not a member, it just means you will

have to park in with the door dingers....

2.  For those attending Friday's KS meet, please  could those

of you who have KS cards/flyers that you put on cars please bring a

copy with you - I intend to use these as ideas for the new one which

will be given to everyone that requests them.  I have given this a

lot of thought and decided that it should be a group effort, just in

case anyone thinks I'm trying to do it all my own way [:D]

3.  Also for Friday's meet, I will be speaking to every person

individually concerning their t-shirt colour, so could you all please

have some idea of your 2 colour choices - I will print out the final

list before I leave for the meet and have this with me - I will then

e-mail the rest of the club to make their choices and all information

collated will be counted up by an impartial member....

That's all for now [:)]

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