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KentScoobies T-shirt colours.....

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as it is a club for club members, do you not think it would have been apropriate to ask for a majority to say yes or no? rather than get peoples back up by just going ahead with it and then saying if you don't like it don't wear it.

surely it would be better that on an event at least a major part on ks would wear one rather than not .seems to defeat the object to me but hey!

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Right I've just spoken to Foxs and although they would rather have the

yellow with blue (which when you think about it is Subaru colours, just

reversed...) to keep harmony within the club they have said they will

go with the majority of votes, so I'm going to lock this one and start

another thread.  I will be e-mailing everyone on my list, I also

have a list of people without web access so I will also be texting

those people, please also let anyone you know who comes to meets but

doesn't have internet accces and get their votes too.  I will

start a poll with colour choices and you just choose the colour, no

comments just the colour!

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