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KentScoobies Questionnaire April 2006

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As all those that attended the meet last Friday will know I had a

Questionnaire for every one to fill out, with the idea being that I get

some feedback as to what people wanted to do as a club etc. (for those

that were not there, I will be e-mailing it tonight)

There were some very good and valid points made, and it was good that

we had some new members attend as I could then get an idea how they

felt, I'm going to list a few of the more brought up points here, along

with my response, then people can add their remarks also.

1.  What would you like to see more of in the club?

The most frequent answer here was more family events, with organised events like paintballing and karting coming a close second.

I agree with both of these points, which is why I asked the questions

about people putting money upfront and what about people who would like

to attend events but can't afford to go to them all.

It turned out that no one minded paying upfront as long as there was a

cut off date, so this can now be taken as we can start doing events

like paintballing, karting etc.

There were a couple of good ideas for the question of people not being

able to afford to go to events - not a lot of people take into

consideration it's usually at least a tank of fuel plus entry &

food for most big events - one of the suggestions was to offer to take

someone in your car instead of taking 2, which is a good idea because

it saves on fuel costs, and another idea is to make some smaller

events, or days out closer, rather than going miles out.

Both of these ideas are good, the closer days out would be picnics or

seaside, as unfortunately with the exception of Modded UK events nearer

to us are few and far between.

The t-shirt question was just to see if you were all paying attention lol [;)] although I actually like the colour.... [:$]

Most of you would be quite happy to help organise events, so watch out for e-mails asking for help!!!

It was almost unanamous (sp) that we keep the forums here on SIDC and

not have our own website, so here we will stay - I had to ask the

question because I'd had a few people asking why we didn't have our own


Most people would be happy to tag cars if they had cards, so watch the

forums, I'm designing a new one now and should have them ready for the

next meet - I might also get people to put names on them and have a

little prize for the person that brings the most new members per


I raised the question of member ship fees, the idea being not to make

any money but to be able to fund things for the club like a nice gazebo

and banners.  This was met with good response with people prepared

to pay up to £30 per year!!  I did an avereage over all the figues

people came up with and it was £17, so it looks like about £15 would be


What would you like for this I asked, and got various answers, the most

common being stickers and newsletters, I also had a suggestion of metal

name badges, which I am going to look into as I think it would help

people to identify each other at meets - I for one am alsways getting

names and faces mixed up - sorry Dan [:$]

Someone also suggested tea and cake......not quite sure how to stick that in an envelope tho lol.

I'll add more later as I carry on writng up my notes..... feel free to

add your own, but please don't turn this into a muppet thread or your

comments will be moderated, sensible discussion only please.....

Pele [A]

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talking of shirts summer is nearly upon us, as this fell flat on its face last year i think it needs addressing very quickly.

as you know i have been in contact with a couple of shirt manufacturers who would be willing to help also in the light that foxs subaru wish thier name on the shirts too plus contribute to the costs if no one has any objections i'll get the ball running asap.



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Amd if we did have shirts then you can have your name on the back or something (like ESC) and so you wouldnt need metal badges so you would know who is who at meets etc.  With regards to the webiste I still think we could have our own site because we could still link to the SIDC forums rather then doing our own and you could make it seemless so you wouldnt know any different - that way we could have a members gallery etc with names to faces and cars! and also our pictures from meets and shows etc. If you remember i did show you a while back how it could look and if you want to look at it again just let me know!


The sheepster

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