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'The (RE-OPENED) Mountain

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Been up for a skeet today before the Easter bash (will check again before ya come over) and found something Very frightening!![:)]





The Fuel gauge devoloped a fault, it went from 3/4 full to nearly empty in less than an hour!!!

Can This Be Right?


Mind you Going out through West Baldin to Brandywell Cottage then back up to the Mountain saw 1 Car.

Only problem is the extra roadworks by Waterworks and 2 lots of full road resurfacing going up to Guthries from there to Injebreck turn off it is all clear, however a bit of standing water due to there being no traffic


Let me demonstrate no traffic

60 + Miles up on the mountain i saw only one car[:D][:P]


Good job i run a petrol station!!!!!!!!![:$]


Ta Ta



Mine does that with the fuel gauge must be a common fault!!!


Cant wait for a week on Friday!!

Do you have any problems with noisy cars? (I keep getting told mine is!!)



Mine does that with the fuel gauge must be a common fault!!!

Cant wait for a week on Friday!!

Do you have any problems with noisy cars? (I keep getting told mine is!!)


Not too much, unless you leave the anti lag on going up an down the prom!!


I have a Miltek system on mine had no problems


Ta Ta



Looks like it is going to be opened again shortly!![:D]









Best make the most of it quick then!![:D]

Ta Ta




The Department gives notice that under Section 3 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1985 it has made an Order the effect of which is to prohibit the use to through vehicular traffic of that section of the A18 Mountain Road, Maughold/Lezayre/Lonan, between its junction with Ramsey Hairpin and its junction with the Bungalow.

The Order comes into effect from 10.00am until 4.00pm on Monday 10 April 2006 and again from 9.30am until 4.00pm on Tuesday 11 April 2006 or until the filming work for the television series “Massive Speed” to be shown on the Discovery Channel, is completed, whichever is the earlier.


"Massive Speed"  Anyone heard of it?, is it worth a peek next boys an girls


Ta Ta



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