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Three Wheels on my Wagon

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Thats bloody scary!!! [B)]

I know the car is probably out of Warranty, but surely Subaru must take some of the responsibility here?? Good on Russ for bringing it to their attention anyway. [H]

I'm just glad it was only at 25mph and that you pulled over ASAP mate. Doesnt bear thinking about what could have happened..




hey brian sorry to hear about that? glad u are all ok.

we had the same problem with 2002 sti alloys remember when i first joined i was looking for one? it was the same idea they had been powdercoated and we were lucky as we noticed the crack before it broke away as your wheel did we hae wheel in cupboard but was scarey to think what may have happend. will post pick up when i get a chance but puts me off the subaru wheels if this is a regular occurance?

hope you make meet if u not got a car ill pick u up

take care caz and les


i can not believe that!!.........to think of the risk if it is to do with the powder baking process, how many other wheels out there risking the lives of unexpecting drivers. glad your all ok but someone will get seriously hurt sooner rather than later, and to think you just found another wheel ready to go!...............i think your very lucky to be able to tell us this mate, could of been a whole lot worse.

all the best.


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