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Quite week..But having fun

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I shall be quite on the forum after tonight, as im back in Essex territory at Armourfend again.

I was tearing down the M1 at 100mph tonight with an ar5e 4 foot off my bumper so i thought i will move over and i could make out it was an old escort, as it pulled up there was two chavs in a bodged up old escort RS cossie replica with the kit not fitted properly and painted in matt hamerite blue. And they were waving and taking pics with there phones.

I let them tear off down the motorway and didnt give them a second thought and hten i could see them pull over down the road, so to make there day i took off at Mach 3 and shot pas them at about 120 before pulling over to come off the M1. Just as they drove back by me hanging out the window waving and thumbs up.

Thats one of the best things i love about scoobs is the respect and waves you get from chavs and everyone. [y]

P.S holy poo how much more petrol does decats drink.

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