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wharf meet tonight.....................

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Has the cat man done your carpet then?

pmsl yep all done,think he will be buying the beer tonight what with the prices he charges[^o)][;)]


Well i got there eventually [:)]

.....yep, but what you didn't realise was that we'd all had a few drinks and gone off for a chinese ( whilst waiting for you ) then returned to the pub so you wouldn't be all by yourself [:D][:D]  See you Sunday m8y [;)]


Well i got there eventually [:D]

.....yep, but what you didn't realise was that we'd all had a few drinks and gone off for a chinese ( whilst waiting for you ) then returned to the pub so you wouldn't be all by yourself [:D][:D]  See you Sunday m8y [;)]

And you didn't save me any [:)]

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