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STOLEN CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guys last night we had an Impreza STi Type Uk stolen Registration Number DK53FAU chassis number :- JF1GDBKH33G035184, any information or if anyone hears anything it would be much appreciated to pass on the information and from your side of things be on the look out for a WR blue STI up for sale (which I am sure wont happen but you never know).

It was stolen over a 6 hour period on our forecourt under spot lights right by the main road which for the guys who have not seen our site the main road is busy all the time and the forecourt is less than 2 meters from the road. Firstly they tried to ram through our security bollards and failed then came back and cut the security posts on our forecourt somehow managed to bypass the immobiliser and drove the car away. MOST SCARY is that they were still trying to take the car at 6:30 in the morning and the traffic at that time was really busy.

We have CCTV cameras running and watched all of it!!! Just a reminder of what these guys will do to get to our PRIDE AND JOY!!!!!! face-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-shocked.gif

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