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Whats the world coming to...

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First the 5h1t news about Lee, and now my neighbour has just had his window put through for no reason. Bizarre as my Scoob was sat right next to it which could of given them a bit more satifaction as his was a Peugeot Partner. Anyway didnt catch the little 5hits, managed to chase them to the park but then gone....A55HOLE5


I know what I would like to do to them with a broken bottle.

F'~@#)*g pond life.

Take the easy jealous option everytime, either steal or vandalise, try working and saving you scumbag F8@#K wits

I would put the country right if I was Prime Minister, I'll tell thee. face-icon-small-wink.gif

Ok rant over, I'm ok I'm cool again now. face-icon-small-smile.gif


i know what its like m8,i had a window put in luckily it was my company car and a sat nav system stolen,it was only 4 days old,julie bought it as a present, i still had to fork out £300 for another as the company said it was PERSONAL eqiupment in the car NOT COVERED by insurance, if i ever caught them i would break every bone in the thieving little scum bag hands and teach them a lesson.......b@stards make me sick, its always decent hard WORKING people that are targets, bring back national service and teach them some ******* respect.


i had 5 lads come in my house and take the keys to my car and van ..lucky i caught 3 in my car (they didnt know how to get it started) i got nicked for abh 120 hours comunity service and £300 fineface-icon-small-disgusted.gifface-icon-small-disgusted.gifyou cant winface-icon-small-frown.gif

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