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Dougnuts are now on :->

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again thanks a heep for all the coments

am now sooo very paranoid about hitting the kerb whilst i park,

<< Looking good Steveo. >>

<< Pity it's still slow ;-) >>

if thats who i think it is

just go back to your hole in the shire with all the rest of the hobbits



Greetings from the Shire

Back in the Hobbit hole at the moment :-)

Picked up the GTO last night :-) It's still slow though :-)


lol, cool manny, will have to go out and show you how my SLOW car can kick yer but in the gto


have you had a chance to play in it yet?

ye better get some practice in whilst i'm down here likes

think kev was wanting to come out and play with his rs turbo, could be fun


have you passed on the address yet face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif

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