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Does anyone know !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Cheers m8 but unfortunatly not my engine bay.

The reason i am asking is because i recently fitted a strutbrace and in my mechanical ignorance disconnected the pipe in question. Now this may sound stupid but afetr refitting the pipe the car now spools quicker and pulls alot better through the rev range.

And i dont think i am imagining this either as my mate noticed the difference as well.



It is the vacuum supply for the brakes. You can uprate this hose with a samco jobbie but you have to remove the little non return valve that is in it making sure you have it the right way round face-icon-small-happy.gif or else it's tatties when you try and brake.


Marc is right ( I wonder how he found that one out, must keep some info to myselfface-icon-small-happy.gif)

it is the vacuum supply to the brakes. If it stays disconnected, you'll see an "interesting" change in braking power ie, no assistance!


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