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Santa Cruise Sponsored walk

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OK peeps I have been down today and seen about the arrangements for Saturdays walk, so can I ask for all people taking part to meet at 9.30 at the Shell petrol station at the Forth Road bridge. I will confirm as soon as I can on Saturday morning as there are several conditions for the walk to go ahead inc weather and traffic so I will call to confirm on Saturday and post here.

We are NOT allowed to collect on the bridge itself but we can collect in the viewing area etc, I will contact Willie about the possibility of a banner for the day to increase the awareness of SIDC and our charity.

Again I thank you all that are taking part in this.



sorry we wont be able to make it, i was at hospital on wednesday and had to get some serious mods to my arthiritis done!!! lolface-icon-small-wink.gif

I have pleged £20 from me and Wullie to spooks and will give him it or billy it.

Good luck guys and please post some pictures!!!!


PS Im gutted i cant do it this time round i was so looking forward to it


Good morning all, spoke to Bridge Control a few minutes ago and can confirm all sytems are go for todays walk face-icon-small-happy.gif

If we could meet at the SHELL station at 9.30 we should be on our way for 10.

Claire and Wullie, sorry you cant make it and I thank you for the support, if you are going to donate anything I leave the choice up to you as to who to give the money to. It makes no differance as the Santa Cruise funds are to be distributed evenly.



Hi Gordy,

It was actually today (Saturday 20th) - you're so busy you are a day behind!! See the photo's in the other thread.

Good luck with the car.

Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

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