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Did Not Know My Work Van Could O That Fast....

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coming home the other nite and after the car in front , doing 55mph most of the way, decided to overtake a van on a long straight i followed behind and when he went to pull back in i thought i would pass him tooo..... he the sped up . :censored: . this was my first mistake. i decided to carry on and pass him anyway in stead of pulling in behind he. ' my vans faster than your poxy pug' there was mistake no 2. having got back in front and on my own side getting near the end of the straight and from behind a hedge 2 traffic police step out!!!!! glanced down at speedo , 71mph. mmmmm i thought, these boys have some balls steeping onto the road at these speeds. could not dive on the brakes as there was another car behind me by now so gave them a wave and shrugged my shoulders appologeticaly. 60mph for the next 5 miles and when i looked into the mirror there was the big audi, blus and twos screaming up passing everything. as soon as i saw them i pulled in got out and loked at my feet whilst appologizing saying yes i was going a bit fast but it was a dry day and straight road , no juctions or entrances. fair dos to the police they were fine and gave me a nice pink ticket trophy for my excellent driving......


turns out my vans not limited and was clocked at 84mph. mmmmmm this is going to hurt i thought. turns out as i was nice to them there were nice back and all i got was 4 points and a £60 fine. which is ok all things considered. had thought of taking the scooby as it was a nice day to work so just as well i didnt as that, i think, would have been a 3 figure speed on that long straight so might have been cheerio licence. evry cloud and all that....... :Wales-flag:

Edited by scottishtaffy

You got off light there fella. Addressed the bobbies in the right manor though, a little respect goes a long way. I got clocked doing 60 in a national speed limit A-road. I thought I was ok when I saw them as the road angel was reading bang on 60. Vans over 2tonne are restricted to 50 on these roads, poops. I got 3points and spoken to like a kid for not knowing my vehicles restrictions. My fault really.

Works vans smoke everything on the toad ;)

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i did think about that as there are a lot of little side roads i could have turned off on and by the time they would have turned and came out i would have disapeared by then. ho hum now tho

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