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Power Loss After Traffic Jam

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Hi guys i was stuck in traffic for 25 min's on the A2 this week .When all was clear i put my foot down but my scooby only gave me half the power in every gear. she got to 80 mph ok.I drove for a few min's then all power came back.Has any one had the same thing happen to them.Thanks :lol:


Had something similar in my van if this helps, it was just a valve stuck shut then it released and was fine after that, hopefily nothing to worry about, a one off occourance perhaps.


I noticed this as well, and spoke to Bob Rawle about it, the way he explained it was that the ECU goes into an emissions mode, and pulls back the boost ....well actually he explained it in far more detail than that, but for a simpleton like me i think that was the nuts and bolts of it...the fix was a bit of wide open throttle !!!


Thanks guys hopefully it wont happen again but if a good foot to the floor run helps.Well i better do it first thing in the morning :lol:

Posted (edited)

Sometimes its also due to the warm air from the heat coming off other cars thats going into the intake when you're sat in traffic with the engine getting hot, but when the car gets going and you get cooler air going into the intake its fine again! Its happened to me too! :lol:

Edited by Garth W
Sometimes its also due to the warm air from the heat coming off other cars thats going into the intake when you're sat in traffic with the engine getting hot, but when the car gets going and you get cooler air going into the intake its fine again! Its happened to me too! :hyper:
Thats good thanks i was hoping its somthing like that.I still went out for a good run any excuse :lol: thanks guys

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