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Stolen Scoobies

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Hi all just been informed by one of my shop customers(works for L&B Police) that there has been another classic wrx stolen from portobello!!! He saw mine at work and said I should get it out of sight :) so thats it!! its getting left in the garage now till I can get a tracker fitted to it!! It was a red M reg saloon taken!!

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Yeah stick it in the garage & wire it up to 240V with no fuse, fry the little fookers when they try to pinch it :o

If only

then when the little ned twats are lying in a heap on the floor wondering WTF hit them set about them with a pair of pliers and a blow torch :)

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Did you ever see the article a few years back when some guy in South Africa rigged up flame throwers to the undersides of his Beemer? When someone tried to Car Jack him he could push a switch on the floor beside the pedals and flames shot out the sides below the doors and fried the fcukers!! And guess what - it was totally legal - imagine trying that here :o

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Glad my car is in a secure underground carpark. If I move from here then it would have to be somewhere with a garage as I just don't trust people to just leave the car alone!

Many, too many, examples of "keyed" and stolen cars over the last few months. Scumbags.

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