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There once was a boy called matt hed dreamed of havin a scoob since 14 the day came at 20 when he bought his own classic, i was rappid he thort theres nothing better. then the coolent kept getting low and the oil went creamy (big problem) head gasket gone so £1300 later he gets it back Wednesday this week after being at the garage for two weeks all is well then last nite the coolent tank decided it would blow its cap off and throw steam everywer so back to the garage on monday

It dosent seem like im gunna wake up, please tell me they r not like this all the time.

anyone got a spare coolent tank cap it ergent!

hope my car gets revived soon all i want it a well fast motor that i can reli on so far everyweek is a diffrent huge problem


Sorry can't help you bud. But chin, things could be a lot worst. A Paul called wrxtypera, had his big ends go on him after owning the car for just under three months. Good luck

  dunks said:
Sorry to hear about this, Hope you get it all fixed soon ;)

As mine is off the road at the moment you can have my cap if you want it :D Just pm me and I'll arrange to get it to you :lol:


If its still the same probs as last time make sure you take it back to the same garage and grab the mechanic by the throat , your get there mate ;)


sounds like the system is being pressurised....a common problem with head gasket failure!!

check the water system for Hydro-carbons...( friendly RAC/AA man with a "sniffer" should be able to help)

Did the garage have the heads skimmed?



Could possible be a perforated water way in one of the heads :)

Worth checking by the garage that cared out the original work.

The heads should have inspected before being skimmed, if they where skimmed they should have had a close visual inspection and X-rayed if any problems where suspected.

Which garage carried out the work for you?


bourne performance carried out the work the heads where skimmed and pressure tested they have done a proper job £1300 worth b4 V.A.T!!!!!

no need for a rad cap cheerz for the offers ive sourced 1 and droped it off at the garage today so i guess im gunna be waiting for a phone call.

they where quite happy to say bring it back to us and we will sort it so i am happy to give them a second chance. they r on thin ice tho.

think next time i would use kent performance they seem to have a good name

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