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Maff Sensor

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Hi folks after some advice. Car comes on boost and pops bangs and miss fires got 2 fault codes. Crank sensor ( crank seal is leaking this will explane that fault and is gettin changed). Other is maf sensor. Has anyone has similar problems? if so my car is an early classic been told 2 put a later one on and this will handle more boost is this true??

Posted (edited)

Dont you mean a 97>00 map sensor or the Nissan MAF upgrade ?

If it is one of them, then its a remap. Ive got both those fitted on mine and remapped by Andy F.

Edited by phil_g
Dont you mean a 97>00 map sensor or the Nissan MAF upgrade ?

If it is one of them, then its a remap. Ive got both those fitted on mine and remapped by Andy F.

yes. what is the nissan maf upgrade? a work at a dealers so can get one no problem. if u change maf type do u always need a re map??

Posted (edited)

If your MAF housing is 80mm then the Z32 will fit straight on, if its 90mm then the Q45 will fit straight on. Both need a loom modification and a remap.

They are much more reliable and good for high bhp.

The wiring is straight forward.

Z32 connector has 6 pins labelled A to F:

A - Not connected

B - MAF Output Signal

C - Gnd

D - Gnd

E - +12V

F - Not connected

Subaru 92-96 MAF Connector has 5 pins:

1 - +12V

2 - Gnd

3 - Sensor Gnd

4 - MAF Signal

5 - Not connected

just make sure you keep the gnds separate.

For the Q45


If memory is correct early map sensor is up to 1.1bar and later is 1.4 bar

For the map sensor


Edited by phil_g

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