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HOPEFULLY, I'll be able to make it out for a few pints tomorrow evening.

I can't have many as I've to be at the Wild life park for 8am ish on saturday, and have got pre rally stuff straight after work but that does leave space for a few in between.

What's the agenda?


Can't friday night but will be out for a few hours on saturday night! Possibly during the days too, but not sure yet! face-icon-small-smile.gif

Looking forward to seeing everyone again face-icon-small-happy.gif

Didn't see the yellow sub at SCP this morning, have you picked it up Jon?


Paul might have taken it out for a test ride.

I saw it there last night and fired it up. Not a healthy car at all. face-icon-small-sad.gif

You free at all Sat afternoon or evening, mate?


So where's tonight's schedule?

I don't want to miss everyone like last time simply because I couldn't find where people were!

That's if I'm welcome of course.....face-icon-small-blush.gif


Of course you are, big boy!!

I'm starting at the Outback from 9pm (working) and no doubt CustomBeaker will be popping round closer to 10pm.

Got a feeling he'll be camped out in Colours as soon as he gets off the boat if you want to meet him early (that's where I found him the other weekend).



I'll track him down either way! Most likely will come to outback for a few pints but it'll be an early and fairly sober night for me on account of tomorrow's sickeningly early start! Big Dave will wonder what's wrong with me if he sees me walk out of the Outback in a straight line! face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif


And you'd better be wearing your pork pie hat, as that hasn't been seen in the Outback for a fair few months!


Style icon, you are Cret!

Nigga, purrrrleeez!

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