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Big Thanks To Nudge


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Posted (edited)

For making the effort to the meet on Friday, from all the way down from the West Country. :D:D Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat :o

I hear your engine is Fooooked, what happened? :)

Edited by yogi-
Bless him, he drove all this way to say hi to you lot and you stil give him grief, you should be ashamed of yourselves........ He he

hmmm nope :):o

For making the effort to the meet on Friday, from all the way down from the West Country. :laughing4::rotfl: Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat :laughing4:

I hear your engine is Fooooked, what happened? :laughing4:

Thanks for that yogi, i had to shoot off early as had to pick up my daughter at 11.30, still got to chat to a few, maybe next time i'll have a bit more time, as for the scoob, she is misfiring, and has no compression on number three, i'm told its probably a piston, common, if one's gonna go it will be no. 3.

i'm planning a full rebuild myself with a few mods to make her a bit stronger, i have another engine to slot in for the time being, i picked it up friday from jolly, (cheers mate :laughing4:)

not too much longer to wait................i hope.

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