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Just Re-registered, Help/advice Please.

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Had my pride and joy 5 years now, but badly need a new drivers seat, don't ask! (black/blue with grey inserts) can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thought about updating whole interior but don't know which if any later ones fit.

Advice / Help anyone please?.

put on a couple of pix




Mcrae san remo '96


Hi mate tis a nice car :thumbup: plus Colin at his best ;) . Anyway 2 choices i ken off ya could try a search on E-Bay there is normaly lots of seats and stuff on there or there is a company called Jap Perfomance parts that deal with second hand parts hope this helps.

  Scoob Fae Ork said:
Hi mate tis a nice car :angry: plus Colin at his best :crying: . Anyway 2 choices i ken off ya could try a search on E-Bay there is normaly lots of seats and stuff on there or there is a company called Jap Perfomance parts that deal with second hand parts hope this helps.

Thanx 4 the help will leave a request on jap/parts to see if they can trace me one, cheers.

Have looked on both, any idea if the sti interiors from the later models would fit my00

yeh i think they do fit!my mate that works at indy cars was goin to fit v6 interior to his v3 sti si guess the newer ones fit

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