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Hid's Fitted At Last

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Finally fitted my HID's & LED sidelights today, took a bit longer than expected but i was taking my time and trying to get everything right (also had a headlight that didn't want to go back properly) :lol: , haven't been out in the dark yet so don't know what they are like but going by the daylight pics i took they should be miles better :lol:

Standard sidelights


New LED sidelights, not overly impressed with them but they are only sidelights


Standard dipped beam


HID dipped beam


Standard dipped beam with standard main beam


HID dipped beam with standard main beam


Mounting of ballasts on a Blobeye



The day time pic's show a vast improvement so the only thing thats going to happen is improved night vision. A must down my country lanes. Well worth the investment then Ian? :lol:

Listen out for me tonight, exactly where are you :lol:


Fitted HIDs to mine about 6 weeks ago - can't believe how yellow the old ones were by comparison. Need to get bulbs for the foglights some time, tho' they're rarely used

looking good mate need some night pics though :)

Well i tried to take some pics the other night but i only had my camera phone and they didn't come out very well, maybe at the next meet i'll try and take some pics with another blobeye next to me to show the difference

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