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Cluch problem - Seized?, advice needed :)

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Just back from Portugal! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Car had been left unstarted for 3 Weeks.

Charged the bat, checked the fluids and let her idle for 10. Tries to put her in gear and wouldn’t go in any gear!

Phones my RAC mate, "Its sounds on the 1st instance if it was all good before you left for holidays, its seized via flywheel etc" Anyway he went in to great detail bless him. Me thinking the worst etc

he’s says so.........

* turn it off!

* stick it in gear

*  turn her on with the clutch depressed and ease it up!


done it! it kangarooed a wee bit when starting it in gear then it would successfully go in gear with the engine on! ( all gears )

Now......., when I get to the biting point there a hsssssssssss'ing noise! like air is leaking!

 I’ve tried phoning him back, and the swine wont answer and I wana go out to play :D

 help me out chaps if you have any ideas or solutions, the car feels like it could stay in 1st and go, thou that air noise is freaking me out and I don’t fancy paying 800quid on a new clutch or damage summit else.


Thanks ;)


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