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KentScoobies meet Friday 20th July @ Nottcutts, Maidstone

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It's that time again [:D], this months meet will be at Nottcutts from 7.30 onwards, hopefully the weather will be better than it is at the moment but i wouldn't guarantee it so we may need our coats, hats, scarves etc [:(]

See you all there emotion-21.gif

1. Granby



1. Granby

2. Baser999

3. RB5_233

4. Shiralee



7. Yogi- and Terri

8. Daniel

9. wedmonds

10. T123VOR

11.Vicky K


hi guy's

me and the better half are going to try and make it, but it wont be until about 9pm. Being a newbie to the club where not too sure how to find you guy's once we get there lol[:$]

as i haven't met of the club members yet!!!

was thinking of telling the barmaid that someone was trying to break in to a scooby, to see which half of the pub empties in 2 seconds flat, but think that might not go down well lol.

oh well hopefully get to meet some of you guy's tomorrow night






Anyone going that could take a couple of piccies of my old dump valve then post them up on the SIDC site for me? Someone interested in the d/v but asked to see piccies first. Thanx. There is a seperate thread 998337 set up "A favour"



hi BASER999 i was gonna bring my camera with me so i could do that for you if you like. pm me your mobile number and i will text you when i get there if you like?

cheers carl 


hi BASER999 i was gonna bring my camera with me so i could do that for you if you like. pm me your mobile number and i will text you when i get there if you like? cheers carl  

Thanx Carl but hope to have the photos sorted before I get to Notcutts tonight - see you there anyway.

Can't make this one gents, gotta get the water out of my car after the flash floods at work drowned it! Hope the weather holds off for you tonight - will try to make the next one at the Wharf.

We are normally tucked into a corner some where and someone always seems to wear something subaru ;)

Oh, another give away... we are all drinking soft drinks :D


hi all,

thanks for the welcome last night, really enjoyed the evening[Y]

after hearing about what you guy's get up to in buses and van's, going on a tunnel run should prove interesting lol.

well once again many thanks for the warm welcome an hope to get to another meet soon (lazy Sunday drive hopefully) 





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