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what would be the best height?

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not sure how much my car has been lowered by but i want to raised it up a little bit especially on the front end as the mudflap keep hitting on the road every time i hit a small bump. What would be the best height to set suspension to? The previous owner had Camber & Tracking done @ star performance, if i rasied the suspension up will this effect the camber & tracking that has been set up by them SP? any help would be much appreciated,



it is coilovers but dont know what make it is,  i only have the car for about 2 weeks. the weather is not helping either will have to wait when its dry to get underneath to have a proper look


You should be able to raise the mudflaps if you can't raise the suspension. My car's on Tein springs and I had to raise the front flaps as they had 6mm of clearance, which wasn't enough!


Very nice car! Raise it? Are you serious? I'd leave it and as Stephen said, raise the flaps. I thought coilovers were adjustable, aren't they? I also choose Teins. I didn't want the Prodrive springs as they didn't lower the car as much as the Teins, so if you insist in raising the height, maybe Prodrive springs will do the job.

I didn't think you could change the springs on coilovers, at least not without much faffing about.
I was meaning changing the ride-height. I thought you had a certain amount of freedom with coilovers that allowed you to change settings like dampening, ride height, stiffness etc. Obviously not! Dunno where I get that from.

If its coilovers u should be able to raise the ride height as for the camber i think it depends how much u raise it

just a thought but would it not be easier to just trim a bit off the bottom of the flaps


I didn't think you could change the springs on coilovers, at least not without much faffing about.

Lets get this right here.

With All coilovers....you can adjust the height to which you want to set your car (within the settings of the height adjustment...i.e -20mm to -100mm) but you may not be able to adjust bound and rebound(depending on what model of coilovers)

Camber are adjusted using the camber bolts on the struts.

It's that clearer now.


I didn't think you could change the springs on coilovers, at least not without much faffing about.

Lets get this right here.

With All coilovers....you can adjust the height to which you want to set your car (within the settings of the height adjustment...i.e -20mm to -100mm) but you may not be able to adjust bound and rebound(depending on what model of coilovers)

Camber are adjusted using the camber bolts on the struts.

It's that clearer now.


Fai, where did you copy and paste that from? [:P][:(]


I didn't think you could change the springs on coilovers, at least not without much faffing about.

Lets get this right here.

With All coilovers....you can adjust the height to which you want to set your car (within the settings of the height adjustment...i.e -20mm to -100mm) but you may not be able to adjust bound and rebound(depending on what model of coilovers)

Camber are adjusted using the camber bolts on the struts.

It's that clearer now.


Fai, where did you copy and paste that from? [:P][:(]

My nut m8[:P]


I didn't think you could change the springs on coilovers, at least not without much faffing about.

Lets get this right here.

With All coilovers....you can adjust the height to which you want to set your car (within the settings of the height adjustment...i.e -20mm to -100mm) but you may not be able to adjust bound and rebound(depending on what model of coilovers)

Camber are adjusted using the camber bolts on the struts.

It's that clearer now.


Fai, where did you copy and paste that from? [:P][:(]

My nut m8[:P]

PMSL[:D][:P] Your aff yer nut[:(]

hi m8 raise your coil overs by about 10mm you will req 2 c spanners to do it. by raising 10mm you will not alter to -in in any amount that will affect your tyre wear .measure from centre of wheel to  wheel arch before adjusting. clean off any dirt from threads before attempting any ajustments ,after adj  bounce the car before measuring again any problems phone 07973139727  geo

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