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Classic Downpipe - Recomended Headers -

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Hey guys...

I curently own a MY99 Uk PPP - Ive got Blitz Nur Spec R cat back and was wondering if anyone could recomend a good downpipe that would give best performance ??

Also lookin at headers but there so many different ones out there and struggling to decide.. Anyone any ideas what to go for ??? GT Spec II ???... I noticed flat4 do a cheaper alternative that claim to be the exact same as the GT Spec without the name - Kakumei make them im sure.. Are there any other good makers - I noticed DC Sports make them aswell.. Greddy Etc..

Just another quick question, sometimes my car seems to back off underpower in higher gears, like 4th and 5th - sorta gets acelaration then kinda nothing for few seconds then acelarates again... Its a weird feeling.. Possible coil packs ?? MAF ??? How much these cost to replace ???


Cheers For All Your Help...





GT spec II seem to be very highly rated. I've got a set ready to go my car so while I can't comment on performance or sound I can say that they seem to be well made and I haven't heard any horror stories like you get witl megans's etc.



Dont with a capital D buy cheap ones you will regret it, if possible avoid flexi joints i searched for equal length without a flexi and got them from america and still regreted it.Next remap its back to ported and polished standard manifold with a return to the burble gt or gruppe s seem to be highly recomended though.


Cool.. Well the Kukamei ones on flatfour claim to be the dogs, say they just same as the GT Spec II.. Its abit of a hard decition with so many choices.. What is the difference in power gains between equal and unequel ?? I no there is a substantial change in noise etc.. I would prefer to keep the burble..

 Anyone have an idea for a good downpipe ?? Hayward and Scott downpipes and headers ??

Cheers.. Andy


I opted for the H&S open neck downpipe, cracking piece of kit as for the headers i've no experience here, i was thnking of getting Harvey to port my OE ones.


Any of the above headers WILL REQUIRE A REMAP!

H&S D/P are the dogs! - but I am biased as I suipply a lot of them to people!

Same with "real" GT Spec II headers...........Good Prices too!




Aye The H & S D/P And Gt Spec Headers Probs what I will go for.. Lol can I get Transocean Employee Discount ?? [;)] lol.. Work on the Prospect.. Haha What a place !! haha.

Any idea's on the backing off problems im experiencing ??


 Thanks.   Andy

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