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Sad and Scoobless...

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Well the day has been on the cards for a while, (mainly since we were burgled for the keys to my car), but I have finally had to bite the bullet and now the scoob is gone [:'(]

It was a very difficult decision to make as the scoob was by far and away the best car I've ever owned, not only from a performance point of view [;)], but also from the cameraderie with the other owners on SIDC forums, Snet, but especially all of the CADS.

 Although I'm now sad and scoobless, I'll still come to the meets every now and again, although I promise to park my replacement car (don't ask.. [:$]) well away from all of the nice ones.

On the up side, Em and I are looking to move to a house with a garage in the next year or so, and at that point the search for Scoob number 2 will start....

Drive safe, and take care all of you CADS.



gutted for the both of you. BUT, there is light at the end of the tunnel by the way you are both talking. Don't be strangers and you can park a white van or embarrassing replacement car next to mine anytime. In fact the white van would show mine up at the mo.

Good luck with everything, keep in touch and don't stop coming to the meets. You're still paid up members. [Y]

Andy J.

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