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Thanks To All invovled!!!! (Hypertech , Subaru, Bing)

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Well i had a bad week.... The dog nearly died on wednesday, resulting in some hurried driving to the vets.. Then on the way home from work on wednesday night, i lose full boost and the car gets all juddery.

All this and i had a wedding to attend on Thursday [:|]

So the vets sorted the dog out, with the help of pet insurance[:P] and i borrowed a friends car for the wedding journey....

Friday morning comes and i speak to Duncan @ Hypertech for some over the phone diagnosis.. Coilpack or Sparkplug!!

so i take a trip to Eaglesham Garage (subaru) and speak to a service manager (Ross McPhail) and he kindly plugged in the computer and diagnosed a mis-fire in cylinder 3.. well done for the guessing duncan[:P]

So then phoned Ducan back for discussion, then asked Subaru to order me a next day delivery coil, and 4 new spark plugs...

got them all fitted today, and the car is pulling like a train again [:P][:D]


So thanks to Bing (steve) for all his searching and kind offering of a lock-up, To Ross @ Subaru for the free diagnostics and most of all to Duncan @ HYPERTECH, who i've never met, but has helped me greatly on many occasions. It just goes to show that, us subaru drivers all love each other[:P][:P][:P]



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I remember diagnosing a similar issue with Bing s car about a year ago! Never one to miss an opportunity to help a friend............that's just Bings good nature.

Another brownie point to Dunc @ Hypertech, yet another man who does it for the "team", rather than for the money!


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thanks for the comments peeps, the dog has now recovered, but has a wee shaven belly from all her scans lol....

WUZ- Good to see you are still here mate, I dont know you, but your reputation stands on the head of giants mate[Y]

as for Steve he is a great bloke, and i contacted him straightaway as i remembered him having similar issues last year..he owed me a wee favour for fitting his quickshift lol.. so i squeezed all the info from him [:)]

The most surprising was the help from subaru.. free diagnostics and next-day delivery on parts [:)][Y]

and again Duncan [Y][Y]

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Everyone has a a bad experience from a dealer at some point, I know I have. Thats what sticks in peoples minds, not all the good ones.

I think that the real problem stems from the fact that we are all enthusiasts and want our pride and joys to be given the red carpet treatment but to the guys working at the garage it's just a job. If you can find a dealer that has fellow enthusiasts working in it then you're onto a winner IMHO.

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