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Possible Aberdeen Meeting this Sunday ?

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Hi all,

Just trying to gauge some interest in a meeting in Aberdeen this coming Sunday (9th December) afternoon. The idea is just to have a get together, have a chat, get some photos taken (Steve from the P&J will hopefully be there to do the honours), and possibly/optionally go for a few beers and a curry afterwards.

Suggested venue is the Torry Battery, so we could get some scenic sun-set shots with the city in the background (if it isn?t snowing!) in the late afternoon. They could be submitted for a future issue of True Grip.

If we meet up later on in the day, then it will give you time to get out of bed, have lunch, do some Xmas shopping etc first.


  • 4 years later...


when we migrated servers/system etc we took across previous posts etc. This meeting did actually take place and we had about 10 - 15 cars if I remember and some good photos (though I forgot my camera that day!).




Magic. The award for most entertaining lack of reading the date posted goes to Duncan.


Do I get a special prize[:D] A big cone shaped hat with a D on the front. [:P]


aye and ya get to stand in a corner wi it all by your self [;)]


Sorry John, I didn't notice the date. [:$]

But it was right up there as a recent post. [;)][:^)]

Hmmmmmmm. Now I'm confused.


Duncan - it was indeed up there at the top as a recent post - i spotted it before anyone had replied.


Sorry John, I didn't notice the date. [:$]

But it was right up there as a recent post. [:)][:^)]

Hmmmmmmm. Now I'm confused.


Duncan - it was indeed up there at the top as a recent post - i spotted it before anyone had replied.

But also had the common sense not to reply [;)]

Its the new sheep dip we are using, its having strange effects[8-)]


It's a feature of the software we use. If someone replies to an old post, but then deletes it, then it still appears at the top of the list of recent messages as it goes by the time last updated timestamp on the thread.


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