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Advanced Driver Training, Aberdeen - Tuesday 22nd July

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The SIDC have booked a whole day's driver training in Aberdeen on Tuesday July 22nd at greatly reduced prices.

You will have the opportunity to perform driver training using a skid car on a height adjustable cradle - learning how to handle all sorts of skids using the specially adapted skid car, which sits in a special cradle.

This technology can be used to simulate understeer, oversteer, driving on black ice etc. at low and controllable speeds. Things like cadence/limit braking are also be taught.

You also learn the best way to brake with/without ABS, and how to steer out of accidents in emergency situations.

You spend sufficient time behind the wheel that all the techniques taught become instictive - that extra second or two may just save your life some day, or at least help you avoid an accident.

As well as being incredibly helpful, the course is also a great deal of fun (we've already ran one earlier this month), with a friendly timed competition at the end (time permitting).

The cost will be a mere £65 per person (£55 if you are an SIDC member), and you will get around 40 minutes behind the wheel, plus additional time spent with the instructor driving to demonstrate the techniques.

The training itself will take place at the Aberdeen and Exhibition Conference Centre (AECC), and there are two 90 minute slots remaining (due to cancellations), which are being offered on a first come, first served basis.

As an additional bonus, you are free to use the wide open expanse of the AECC car park (flat smooth tarmac) in your own car at all other times, to put some of the techniques you have learned into practice face-icon-small-smile.gif

If you are interested, can you please send an e-mail to John Stewart on john@sidc.co.uk


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